How To Keep Yourself Positive During This Quarantine – And Enlightened! ?

Long hours on the couch watching TV, in bed, or in the kitchen,… you’re still 24/7 home stuck in a rut. despite it all, we should make the best of our passing days during this Quarantine!

I’m not going to deny it, but staying home for a long time is bad for our productivity and makes us lazy. And I’m not going to tell you to become a chef, an athlete, or an artist during this time. but we shouldn’t let the laziness become our routine. 

Check also: 5 Best Stay-at-Home Book Recommendation Based On Your Mood! (And The Best Lighting Fixture ⬇️)

Mornings are the key to the rest of your day, if you manage to have a positive morning then you shouldn’t worry about the rest of your day. One simple rule to have a good, successful morning is to not let the day decide which kind of day you have. A feeling is what you create, so create that good and pleasant vibe. You can put some music you like, turn on the radio, or just enjoy the quietness during your quarantine morning.

How to keep yourself positive during this quarantine - And enlightened!

Make your bed! Allow me to explain to you why this rule is a powerful tool to boost the quality of your day. Making your bed will take you only 5 minutes, but it will unconsciously push you to do other small things throughout your quarantine day.


As the big Admiral William H. McRaven once said: “If you make your bed every morning you will have accomplished the first task of the day. It will give you a small sense of pride, and it will encourage you to do another task and another and another. By the end of the day, that one task completed will have turned into many tasks completed.” 

How to keep yourself positive during this quarantine - And enlightened!

Did you also know, that productivity goes hand in hand with good lighting? Keep your curtains and windows open during the day, it’s a taste of outdoor and nature you allow in your house. That will give you not only fresh air and light but also energy. And as the evening approaches turn your suspensions, floor lamps or wall lamps on. Remember, nothing of these things should be boring or unpleasant. Make it exceptional, put your lamp somewhere new sometimes, or add one in an unexpected color. 

How to keep yourself positive during this quarantine - And enlightened!
How to keep yourself positive during this quarantine - And enlightened!

Believe me, it’s all about what you make out of it. Quarantine can be very unpleasant but we’re all in this together. And as we are all contributing to mankind, at the end of this journey we will all be proud of ourselves. 

How to keep yourself positive during this quarantine - And enlightened!

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Movie Time? CHECK OUT Out This List We Made For You! ?

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